Our New Website - Things to know...

We're thrilled to launch our new website, we're excited to share everything our new platform has to offer . 

What’s New?

Some key highlights include:

  • Filtering:  You can now filter our materials by colour / thickness / sheet size and price.
  • Enhanced Search Features: Quickly find what you’re looking for with our upgraded search tool, designed to make exploring our site simple and efficient.  
  • New Materials: We have added more solid timbers (Mahogany and Walnut), as well as Birch faced Poplar, a great alternative to standard birch that has faced supply issues in recent years. 
  • Exclusive Offers: Keep an eye out for upcoming events, webinars, and exclusive offers!
  • Speedy and More Reliable: Our website has a new ecommerce back-end, we have had many customers complain that our old website was could be very slow at times, hopefully now resolved (but please let us know if you have any issues!) 