To aid in your product design we have compiled a few tips/summary of our most common queries when working with font:-
Common Queries
Q. Can i use 'My Random Font' in my design file?
A. Yes but to ensure compatibility you must first remember to convert all text areas to objects/paths before sending the design file to us. Note: This will stop these regions being editable as text!. [common 'missing font' error message we see below]

Q. Font recommendations?
A. Yep,

Q. Whats the minimum font size I can use.
A. In general we do recommend you perform a trial to ensure you are happy as legibility can be subjective. 6pt / 2.1mm is about the smallest we happily process in Arial font. (please see sample below).

- Raster engraving provides clear bold font though it takes longer to process so is normally subject to a surcharge.
- When laser cutting a stencil using standard fonts please remember that the letters will be loose to the sheet, depending on your application you may need to consider a stencil font or adding custom 'bridges' to your font.